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How Telepresence Robots Improve Healthcare | Robots4Good

September 8, 2023

The healthcare landscape in Australia is undergoing a transformative shift, and telepresence robots in healthcare are at the forefront of this revolution. These cutting-edge robotic devices are not just reshaping the way healthcare professionals deliver their services, but also enhancing patient care, expanding access to medical expertise, and streamlining operations across the country. In this article, we'll explore how telepresence robots are making a significant impact on healthcare in Australia and why businesses and healthcare professionals should take notice of this game-changing technology.

Telemedicine in Australia

Telemedicine, the practice of providing medical care remotely using telecommunications technology, has gained substantial momentum in Australia. This growth can be attributed to factors such as the vast geographical expanse of the country, a dispersed population, and the increasing need for accessible healthcare services. Telemedicine has the potential to bridge these gaps, providing quality healthcare to remote and underserved communities.

Telepresence Robots in Healthcare: A Game-Changer

Telepresence robots elevate telemedicine to a new level by offering a physical presence and the ability to interact with patients and healthcare facilities in real-time. These robots are equipped with high-quality cameras, audio systems, and mobility features, allowing healthcare professionals to perform virtual consultations, examinations, and even surgeries. Here's how telepresence robots are revolutionising healthcare in Australia:

  1. Access to Specialists: One of the significant advantages of telepresence robots is the ability to connect patients in remote areas with specialist healthcare providers. Patients no longer need to travel long distances to access specialised care. For example, a patient in a regional area can have a virtual consultation with a renowned specialist in a major city, thanks to a telepresence robot.
  2. Remote Patient Monitoring: Telepresence robots are equipped with various sensors and monitoring devices that allow healthcare professionals to remotely assess a patient's vital signs and health status. This capability is invaluable for monitoring patients with chronic illnesses or those recovering from surgery in the comfort of their homes.
  3. Improved Emergency Response: Telepresence robots can be deployed in emergency situations to provide immediate access to healthcare expertise. Paramedics in remote areas can use telepresence robots to connect with emergency room physicians, enabling real-time assessments and guidance during critical moments.
  4. Virtual Rounds: Healthcare professionals can use telepresence robots to conduct virtual rounds in hospitals and aged care facilities. This ensures regular check-ins on patients, even when the healthcare provider cannot be physically present, leading to better patient outcomes.
  5. Medical Education and Training: Telepresence robots are valuable tools for medical education and training in Australia. Medical students can remotely observe surgeries, participate in virtual patient consultations, and learn from experienced healthcare practitioners, regardless of their geographical location.

Australian Success Stories

  1. Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS): RFDS, one of Australia's most iconic healthcare services, utilises telepresence robots to connect remote patients with medical specialists. Patients in remote and rural areas can receive expert consultations without the need for arduous travel. Telepresence robots in healthcare go beyond Telehealth.
  2. Queensland Health: Queensland Health has deployed telepresence robots in various healthcare settings, including hospitals and aged care facilities. These robots enable healthcare professionals to conduct virtual patient consultations and provide timely care.
  3. Aged Care Facilities: Telepresence robots have gained popularity in aged care facilities across Australia. They allow residents to connect with family members and healthcare professionals, reducing feelings of isolation and improving mental well-being.

Telepresence technology offers several distinct advantages over traditional telehealth solutions, enriching the patient-provider interaction and improving the overall healthcare experience. Here are key ways in which telepresence robots in healthcare excels over conventional telehealth, accompanied by specific examples:

1. Enhanced Human Connection:

  • Example: In a telepresence session, a patient with a chronic condition, living in a remote area of Australia, connects with their specialist via a telepresence robot. The robot's physical presence allows the patient to have a more personal and emotionally connected experience, mirroring an in-person consultation. The specialist can observe the patient's body language, which can be crucial for understanding the patient's emotional well-being.

2. Comprehensive Physical Examinations:

  • Example: A primary care physician in a rural clinic can use a telepresence robot equipped with specialised medical tools like a stethoscope, otoscope, or high-definition cameras to conduct a thorough physical examination of a patient. This level of examination is nearly as comprehensive as an in-person visit and ensures accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

3. Improved Access to Specialists:

  • Example: A regional hospital in a remote part of Australia lacks specialised paediatric care. By utilising telepresence robots, paediatric specialists from major cities can virtually consult with patients and local healthcare providers. This immediate access to specialists enhances the quality of care, especially in critical situations.

4. Facilitating Collaborative Care:

  • Example: A patient with multiple chronic conditions requires coordinated care from various specialists, including a cardiologist, endocrinologist, and a primary care physician. Telepresence technology enables all these healthcare professionals to join a single virtual meeting to discuss the patient's treatment plan, ensuring seamless coordination and reducing the likelihood of miscommunication.

5. Interactive Medical Training:

  • Example: Medical students can benefit from telepresence technology by participating in live surgeries, patient consultations, and grand rounds conducted by experienced healthcare providers. This interactive learning experience goes beyond traditional telehealth video streams, offering hands-on exposure to medical procedures and decision-making.

6. Timely Remote Consultations:

  • Example: In the event of a sudden health concern or an emergency, telepresence robots can facilitate immediate remote consultations with healthcare providers. This capability is especially critical in remote or underserved areas where access to emergency care may be limited.

7. Enhanced Remote Monitoring:

  • Example: Telepresence robots equipped with monitoring devices can be used for continuous remote patient monitoring. For instance, a robot in the home of an elderly patient can regularly measure vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose levels, with the data transmitted in real-time to healthcare providers for timely intervention.

8. Reduced Healthcare Costs:

  • Example: Patients can save both time and money by avoiding long-distance travel for routine check-ups or follow-up appointments. This is particularly valuable for those in rural areas who would otherwise spend hours or days on the road to reach a healthcare facility.

9. Mitigating Healthcare Worker Shortages:

  • Example: Remote or underserved regions in Australia often face shortages of healthcare providers. Telepresence technology can partially address this issue by allowing specialists to virtually serve these communities, effectively extending the reach of healthcare services.

10. Improved Overall Patient Experience:

  • Example: A patient recovering from surgery at home can receive regular telepresence check-ins from their healthcare team. This consistent communication enhances the patient's sense of care and support, ultimately contributing to a more positive recovery experience.

Telepresence technology for healthcare goes beyond the limitations of traditional telehealth by providing a more immersive, interactive, and comprehensive healthcare experience. It facilitates better access to specialiaed care, enhances remote consultations, and fosters a stronger patient-provider connection. As telepresence continues to advance, it holds the potential to reshape healthcare delivery in Australia, ensuring that quality care is accessible to all, regardless of geographical barriers.

Telepresence Robots: A Boon for Businesses

  1. Telehealth Services: Businesses can partner with healthcare providers to offer telehealth services to employees. This not only enhances the well-being of the workforce but also reduces absenteeism and healthcare-related costs.
  2. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Telepresence robots can be used to provide virtual access to EAPs, ensuring that employees have easy access to mental health support and counselling services.
  3. Remote Work Support: In the age of remote work, businesses can deploy telepresence robots to provide on-site support to remote employees when needed. This support can include IT troubleshooting, HR consultations, and team meetings.
  4. Training and Development: Telepresence robots can be used for employee training and development programs. Remote employees can attend workshops, seminars, and training sessions as if they were physically present, fostering skill enhancement and knowledge sharing.
  5. Customer Support: Businesses in the healthcare industry can use telepresence robots to offer personalised customer support and consultations. This approach enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Key Considerations for Businesses and Healthcare Professionals

  1. Compliance and Regulations: Ensure that the use of telepresence robots complies with Australian healthcare regulations and privacy laws, such as the Healthcare Identifiers Act and the Privacy Act.
  2. Technical Support: Choose a reputable vendor that offers comprehensive technical support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of telepresence robots.
  3. Data Security: Prioritise data security and patient privacy. Opt for telepresence robots that offer robust encryption and security features to protect sensitive healthcare information.
  4. Integration with Existing Systems: Ensure that telepresence robots seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare IT systems and electronic health records (EHRs) to facilitate efficient data sharing and collaboration.
  5. Training and User Adoption: Invest in comprehensive training programs for healthcare professionals and employees who will be using telepresence robots. User adoption and proficiency are essential for maximising the benefits of this technology.
  6. Cost Analysis: Evaluate the total cost of ownership, including initial purchase costs, maintenance, and potential savings from reduced travel expenses and improved patient outcomes. Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to justify the investment.


Telepresence robots are transforming healthcare in Australia by expanding access to medical expertise, improving patient care, and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare operations. Businesses and healthcare professionals have a unique opportunity to leverage this game-changing technology to provide better services, support remote work, and boost employee well-being.

As telepresence robots in healthcare continue to evolve and become more accessible, their potential applications in healthcare and business settings are bound to grow. By staying informed, complying with regulations, prioritising data security, and investing in training and integration, businesses and healthcare professionals can harness the full potential of telepresence robots to reshape the future of healthcare in Australia. The integration of this cutting-edge technology promises to create a more connected, accessible, and efficient healthcare ecosystem for all Australians.


About Robots4Good

As a leading provider of robots as a service, Robots4Good is the exclusive supplier of OhmniLabs services and robots in Australia and New Zealand for business, manufacturing, schools, hospitals, disability and aged care settings.