Robot Keeps Wollongong Retiree Connected to Family and Carers During COVID
Social isolation is really detrimental to one's mental and emotional health, which eventually translates to the condition of one's physical health. Connection is an innate human need to thrive and flourish. And with that purpose, Ohmni telepresence robots are made for socially isolated individuals to feel included, seen and heard.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the restrictions of physical contact magnified this issue and now, Robots4Good gives David an opportunity to overcome isolation through the Ohmni telepresence robot.

Wollongong retiree David Robson has caught a glimpse of the future and he likes what he sees.
The IRT Links Seaside Wollongong resident was selected to test drive an Ohmni telepresence robot in his home.
David nominated his son Peter Robson to be able to securely access the robot remotely in order to spend time with him and check on his welfare.
"Dad has been really stoked to have the robot. We've had a lot of fun with it. It follows him around his home and out onto the balcony where I can see the view that Dad is seeing. It's like having a window that looks right into Dad's world," Peter said.
The robot was loaned to IRT by Canberra-based Robots4Good in the midst of the pandemic last year to test how the technology could help overcome social-isolation and uninterrupted access to care for home care customers during lockdown.
This article was originally published by Illawarra Mercury. To see the full article on their website, click here, and to read more news from Robots4Good, click here.
About Robots4Good
A leading provider of robots as a service, Robots4Good is the exclusive supplier of OhmniLabs robots and services in Australia and New Zealand for business, manufacturing, schools, hospitals, disability and aged care settings.