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OhmniClean™ FAQs
Find out more about the OhmniClean™ UV-C Disinfection and Sanitisation Robot by OhmniLabs™, available through us, Robots4Good, in Australia and New Zealand. If your answer is not here, email us info@robots4good.com.au
Using OhmniClean™
How soon after disinfecting is the room available?
Do you need to do a regular cleaning of a room before sending in the robot?
What about degradation during terminal cleaning? On the surface of equipment, etc?
Any issues with fabrics fading? Or artwork?
Will it damage paint? Will it damage soft materials?
Is there a log where I can run reports on the rooms?
Can the disinfectant report be added to electronic medical records?
Does it take special knowledge or certification to remove or handle the bulbs?
How many degrees does the UV cover?
Can you take off the light module?
What is the exact nm wavelength generated by the bulbs?
How many bulbs are in the Light Module?
How much do the bulbs cost to replace?
How effective is the OhmnClean?
Is OhmniClean safe?
Can the robot run on its own?
How long can the OhmniClean run?
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We have decades of know-how in leading socially-driven ventures that use innovative technology for scalable solutions, including experience in running telepresence robots-as-a-service in Australia since 2017 - work from anywhere, virtual care in ageing, disability, education and health.
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